DIY: Homemade wax & wax strips
Something new I want to start doing here on my blog and that is all natural beauty tutorials. I prefer all natural/organic beauty routines rather than buying them at the store so I thought I would share some of my recipes.
The reasons behind me not liking products that are not natural or "organic" is because last year while I was researching for a project I was assigned at school I found out that in almost everything you buy on the shelf at the store (as far as beauty products go) they all have chemicals in them.
These chemicals may be more potent causing the products to be more effective than our all natural methods but the effects of these chemicals are terrible.
Because we put all of these products directly on our skin they instantly go strait to our blood stream. Most of these nasty chemicals stay in our skin for up to 7 years.
Most girls have daily beauty routines and most of there products that they use have these harmful chemicals in them. That means every day you are adding to the amount of toxins in your blood stream increasing the build up of these toxins.
By eliminating these things we can all become very healthy individuals.
One way to eliminate unhealthy habits is to switch out our store bought wax strips for a homemade wax.
I am going to show you how to make this today along with some easy and recyclable wax strips to use with them.
Ms. Toi on youtube has this tutorial on her channel so I did not feel the need to make one of my own. If you would rather watch the video go to this link:
But here is my blog version for you
Some supplies you will need:
- Medium size sauce pan
- Funnel
- jar (I used a pint you can use anything you have laying around)
- Spoon (preferably a metal)
- 2 cups sugar
- 1/4 cup water
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- Essential oils (optional)
1.Put all of your ingredients into the sauce pan set to a medium heat. Any hotter you can risk burning your wax
1 1/2. Add essential oils. This step is optional I like to do it to add a nice smell to my wax just for a little extra. If you do just add a few little drops. My recommendation is lavender oil.
1 1/2. Add essential oils. This step is optional I like to do it to add a nice smell to my wax just for a little extra. If you do just add a few little drops. My recommendation is lavender oil.

This is what it will look like as it starts to boil
It may take a while to get it boiling
2.Stir constantly Be careful not to get to crazy when stirring this mix will burn you

3.Keep stirring till your mixture starts darkening. This is an example of it starting to get a darker color it takes a while for it to get to this state so be patient.

Ahhh here we go we are getting the right color now. It is now a dark caramel brown. Bellow the bubbles the mixture should look much darker. ( I accidentally deleted the picture of what it looks like under the bubbles... opps)
4. Now it is time to check to make sure it is done. Lay out a clean towel and than take your spoon and put a few drops onto the towel. let it sit and cool a bit because it will be extremely hot! Once you touch it,it should be sticky and you should be able to shape it. If you let it cool longer it will be hard. Kind of like candy.
If it is still like syrup or liquidy it is not done. Go for about five minuets longer than check again.
Make sure you are still stirring constantly

This is what it should look like -- if not the drops should be harder
5. If it is done take it off the burner

6. Using the funnel put your mix into your jar and let it sit till it completely cools
Make sure you are careful HOT!
To use this wax:
When you want to use this wax you put your jar into a pan with a small amount of water than warm it up till it is a honey like consistency.
Apply to the area against the grain of your hair using a Popsicle stick or something of that sort than put your wax strip over it and press firmly
Than you know whats next... Rip it off!
If you did not put this mixture into a boil or stove top safe container just simple use a double boil method or try your best to scoop out some of the mixture and put it directly into your pan with ought water.
To use this wax:
When you want to use this wax you put your jar into a pan with a small amount of water than warm it up till it is a honey like consistency.
Apply to the area against the grain of your hair using a Popsicle stick or something of that sort than put your wax strip over it and press firmly
Than you know whats next... Rip it off!
If you did not put this mixture into a boil or stove top safe container just simple use a double boil method or try your best to scoop out some of the mixture and put it directly into your pan with ought water.
Now for the wax strips!
Cotton material is the best you could use and what I recommend is old t-shirts.
I took an old t-shirt and cut it into various sized strips big and little for different types of uses.
The reasons behind me not liking products that are not natural or "organic" is because last year while I was researching for a project I was assigned at school I found out that in almost everything you buy on the shelf at the store (as far as beauty products go) they all have chemicals in them.
These chemicals may be more potent causing the products to be more effective than our all natural methods but the effects of these chemicals are terrible.
Because we put all of these products directly on our skin they instantly go strait to our blood stream. Most of these nasty chemicals stay in our skin for up to 7 years.
Most girls have daily beauty routines and most of there products that they use have these harmful chemicals in them. That means every day you are adding to the amount of toxins in your blood stream increasing the build up of these toxins.
By eliminating these things we can all become very healthy individuals.
Do you have any all natural beauty routines?
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